Nowadays a suitable working environment is more essential than ever. So, it is vital to have a suitable ventilation system that helps to improve productivity and which complies with current legislation relevant to the activities being carried out in the area. To this end, MAGON ACEROS supplies MG Air250 and MG Air500 ventridges which serve a double purpose:
- Recycling of used air from industrial processes
- Extraction of accumulated hot air.

Manufactured from cold-formed coated steel sheets according to the following standards:
- Organic coating (UNE-EN10169): Polyester, PVDF, HDX, HPS.
- Metallic coating (UNE-EN10346): Galvanized.
- Other finishes on request.
- End use: Natural ventilation of buildings.
- Type of steel: Standard S250GD (other types of steel on request).
- Thickness: 0.6 mm or 0.8 mm
- Length: On request (maximum 6 m).
When installing the MG Ventridge, it must be taken into account that, in order for static natural ventilation to occur through the ventridge, it is necessary to provide the installations with air inlets at a lower levelwhich favours this circulation (Venturi effect ).

Depending on the activity to be carried out in the property, a certain number of air renewals must be performed, such as in the following chart:

Once we know the volume of air to be renewed and the number of renewals necessary according to the activity, with our table we can calculate the number of metres of ventilation necessary.